Chet Baker是一个天才演奏家。他虽然未写过一首乐曲,但他的创意却完全流露在他对乐器的驾御和对音乐的演绎中。他的演奏常常能为一首乐曲注入灵性,令它出现全新面貌,为听者带来前所未有的感染力。
Chet Baker是一位出色的冷爵士小号演奏家,同时也是一位优秀的爵士歌手,他用极具魅力的表达方式掩饰了他天生嗓音条件的不足.Baker英俊的外形酷似一名电影明星,然而他却在50年代中期染上了吸毒,从此毒瘾一直伴随着他的后半生。
1.1. Love walked in
1.2. You better go now
1.3. I married an angel
1.4. I love you
1.5. Why shouldn’t i
1.6. The wind
1.7. Trickleydidlier
1.8. There’s a small hotel
1.9. These foolish things
1.10. How about you!
1.11. I’ll remember April
1.12. Summertime
1.13. Everything happens to me
1.14. All the things we are
1.15. Once in a while
2.1. Rondette
2.2. Mid-forte
2.3. Sad walk
2.4. Re-search
2.5. Just do
2.6. Piece caprice
2.7. Pomp
2.8. The girl from Greenland
2.9. Brash
2.10. Chet
2.11. Dinah
2.12. Vline (1st Version)
2.13. In memory of Dick
3.1. Revelation
3.2. Halema
3.3. Something for Liza
3.4. Slightly above moderate
3.5. Lucius Lu
3.6. To Mickey’ memory
3.7. Worryin’ the life out of me
3.8. Medium rock
3.9. Jumpin’ off a clef
3.10. Chippyin
3.11. Pawnee junction
3.12. Lie for lyons
3.13. Music to dance by
3.14. To Mickey’s memory (Alt. Take)
4.1. Mythe
4.2. Phil’s blues
4.3. Dinah
4.4. V-line
4.5. A foggy day
4.6. Darn that dream
4.7. Tenderly
4.8. Worryin’ the life out of me
4.9. Chet
