The Hold Steady – Discography (2004-2014) [FLAC]
Genre: Pop/Rock
Styles: Indie, Alternative
Source: CD, vinyl, WEB
Codec: FLAC
Bitrate: ~ 1,000 – 2,900 kbps
Bit Depth: 16, 24
Sample Rates: 44.1 kHz, 96 kHz
CD Rips 16/44
2004 Almost Killed Me
2005 Separation Sunday
2006 Boys and Girls in America
2007 Live at Fingerprints (Live)
2008 Stay Positive
2009 A Positive Rage (Live)
2010 Heaven is Whenever
2014 Teeth Dreams (WEB)
Vinyl Rips 24/96
2005 Separation Sunday
2008 Stay Positive
Craig Finn,三十七岁,美国人。
头戴明尼苏达双城队的棒球帽,胖嘟嘟的脸架着一幅椭圆框眼镜,素色的格子衫反衬着下巴上未剃干净的胡渣,一派亲切随和。猜猜他的职业,是保险推销员、银行出纳或小学老师?都不是,他是布鲁克林五人乐团Hold Steady的主唱兼词曲作者,刚以第四张专辑Stay Positive站上前所未有的生涯巅峰。且不仅美国,对岸的英国人也一样爱他。
然若缺少一份坚持,这一切可能都不会发生。九~年代,他在寒冷的明尼阿波里斯市组了后庞克乐团Lifter Puller,发过几张专辑,反应普通,登不上全国版面。乐团解散,Craig Finn离开家乡,转至繁华的东岸落脚。可是,此时的他就要迈入而立之年,是否该找份「正当」职业,上班下班,安逸地终老一生;或将拳头握得更紧,再打拼一次?他选择了后者。
伙同Lifter Puller的旧日伙伴Tad Kubler,外加几名年龄相仿的道上老鸟(如今所有成员都超过三十五岁),Hold Steady以布鲁克林为家,卓然而生。彷佛为了弥补空白流失的那几年,他们上紧发条、全力冲刺,才于2004年发表了首张专辑Almost Killed Me,转眼间已来到第四张,速度让人吃惊。
由于充分累积的人生历练,他们身上并未产生新进乐团后继乏力的症状,反而越挫越勇,一张比一张进步。尤其Hold Steady初出道时,纽约流行的是Interpol、The Rapture这些年轻帅劲的队伍;他们既不年轻、也不酷帅,只能尴尬地被忽略。直到两年前凭借第三张大碟Boys and Girls In America拨云见日,当初唱衰者,如今都只能刮目相看,成就更显珍贵。
一辈子都是死忠棒球迷,Craig Finn果然深谙老将价值。
Hold Steady的音乐所以挖凿出深度,在于词曲都有一套。Craig Finn是一名顶尖的说故事好手,词作放在现今独立乐坛,可谓一流。藉由笔下有趣的角色塑造,透过忏悔感十足的内心剖白,他让这些醉汉、毒虫、流浪者甚至杀人犯活灵活现起来。有时同一名人物甚至于不同专辑都粉墨登场,让Hold Steady的作品更具连贯性。
曲风传承着蓝领摇滚的正宗道统,融合了团员们崇拜的Bruce Springsteen与同乡前辈The Replacements,将老摇滚与早期庞克的激昂与振奋人心特质发挥得淋漓尽致。巨观化的编曲,强劲放送着吉他的power chord、Led Zeppelin式的龙卷风独奏与齐心一致的拍手与合音。Both Crosses一曲还情商Dinosaur Jr.主脑J Mascis弹奏了斑鸠琴。
逐步变成世故的大人,或咬牙实践着青春的梦想?没有对错,只有选择。然无论走上哪一条路,别忘了像Hold Steady一般,永远Stay Positive
Resisting the musical trends in New York City, vocalist/guitarist Craig Finn (ex-Lifter Puller) formed the Hold Steady after moving from Minneapolis in 2000. Wanting to capture the sound of bands such as the Replacements and the Grifters, he recruited guitarist Tad Kubler (also ex-Lifter Puller), drummer Judd Counsell, and bassist Galen Polivka. Recording mostly live, the band released its debut, Almost Killed Me, on Frenchkiss Records in March 2004. Dave Gardener (Rocket from the Crypt, Drive Like Jehu) and Dean Botulonis signed on to produce Separation Sunday, which arrived in 2005. The World/Inferno Friendship Society’s Franz Nicolay (keyboards) and Bobby Drake (drums), formerly of End Transmission and Arm, were also added to the Hold Steady lineup. The band’s third effort, 2006’s Boys and Girls in America, marked its first release for Vagrant.
After writing the majority of their fourth record on the road, the Hold Steady returned to John Agnello’s Water Music studio to record Stay Positive, their most heavily produced effort. In July of 2008, the album was released by both Vagrant and Rough Trade. In 2010 the band announced the departure of Franz Nicolay. Later that same year they released their fifth album, Heaven Is Whenever. In 2012 the band went on a brief hiatus, with frontman Craig Finn releasing his debut solo album, Clear Heart Full Eyes. Regrouping with new guitarist Steve Selvidge in 2013, the revitalized five-piece re-entered the studio to record a track for the Game of Thrones soundtrack — which was also released as a limited-edition single on Record Store Day 2013. Near the beginning of 2014 they announced the release of their sixth album, Teeth Dreams.
*Thank you to the original uploaders and rippers.
**Note to downloaders, please don’t complain if something isn’t included in this discography.I have assembled as much material as I could find.If something is missing you can try to find it and upload it for the community.Asking for it here wont help.