During the early 90s, Phish emerged as heir to the Grateful Deads throne. Although their music is somewhat similar to the Deads — its an eclectic, free-form rock & roll encompassing folk, jazz, country, bluegrass, and pop — the group adheres more to jazz-derived improvisation than folk tradition, and they have a looser, goofier attitude. After all, their drummer regularly plays a vacuum during their concerts. Phishs main claim as the inheritors to the Deads legacy is their approach to their musical career. The band didnt concentrate on albums; they dedicated themselves to live improvisation. Within a few years of their 1988 debut, Phish had become an institution in certain sections of America, particularly college campuses. And their in-concert popularity didnt necessarily translate to huge record sales; their biggest-selling albums usually halted at gold status. Still, Phish were the de facto leaders of the neo-hippie jam band movement, until deciding to go on hiatus in 2000.

01 The Moma Dance
02 AC/DC Bag
03 555
04 Waiting All Night
05 Heavy Things
06 Happy Birthday
07 46 Days
08 I Didn’t Know
09 Divided Sky
10 Cavern
11 Good Times, Bad Times
01 Carini
02 Tweezer
03 Fluffhead
04 Piper
05 Steam
06 Wading in the Velvet Sea
07 Harry Hood
08 Tweezer Reprise
01 I Am The Walrus
