斯特拉文斯基Igor Stravinsky 是美籍俄国作曲家、指挥家。斯特拉文斯基是20世纪最有影响力的重要作曲家,也是西方现代主义音乐的主要代表人物之一。革新过三个不同的音乐流派:原始主义、新古典主义以及序列主义。被人们誉为是音乐界中的毕加索。其创作大致可分三个时期: 俄罗斯风格时期、新古典主义时期、序列主义时期。代表作品:《火鸟》,《彼得卢什卡》,《春之祭》。

Works Of Igor Stravinsky SONY (19CD) (FLAC) 6.47GB

This is fantastic value! So many hard-to-get-pieces packed together. The performances are excellent and with sensitive interpretation by the great man himself. For example, there are so many versions and interpretations of the ballet Petroushka, this is the original with many unknown tweaks that give it more charm; close your eyes and you can almost see the original Benois production!
The same applies to Les Noces, particularly and Apollo.
For Rite of Spring you can clearly hear the ‘flutter-tongue’ of the lower woodwinds, often missed on later recordings.
The Short Pieces too, especially Scherzo a la Russe, are much less thumping or over-dramatised.
The set also enlists a star-studded cast of players, on the ascendant, and soon to become celebrated by their own music playing.
Too hear his interpretation of his own music,
