法国电影大师Luc Besson(吕克贝松)的经典电影Leon(这个杀手不太冷)的原声大碟,是和他的老搭档——法国配乐大师ERIC SERRA一起合作制作的。ERIC SERRA专业的摇滚和爵士吉他乐手,为法国多位知名艺人制作过音乐。他无意中与Luc Besson相似,并为他的处女作Le Dernier Combat创作了原声音乐,之后就一发不可收拾成为了Luc Besson的金牌搭档,参与了Luc Besson每一部电影的配乐。随着Luc Besson扬名好莱坞,ERIC SERRA也走红好莱坞,为当时95年的新一代007电影“黄金眼”谱写了惊艳的配乐。最后,电影Leon无疑是经典的,而且这部电影的配乐水平更是一流,不能错过。里面的经典对白那更是被广大影迷背的滚瓜烂熟..
1.Noon (4:02)
2.Cute Name (3:29)
3.Ballad for Mathilda (2:15)
4.What’s Happening Out There (3:05)
5.A Bird in New York (1:21)
6.She Is Dead (1:31)
7.Fatman (5:16)
8.Leon the Cleaner (1:50)
9.Can I Have a Word With You (1:14)
10.The Game Is Over (1:38)
11.Feel the Breath (3:17)
12.Room 4602 (1:17)
13.Very Special Delivery (2:42)
14.When Leon Does His Best (2:11)
15.Back on the Crime Scene (2:34)
16.Birds of Storm (1:37)
17.Tony the IBM (1:57)
18.How Do You Know It’s Love (1:29)
19.The Fight, Part 1: The Swat Squad (2:30)
20.The Fight, Part 2: Bring Me Everyone (4:34)
21.The Fight, Part 3: The Big Weapon (3:03)
22.The Fight, Part 4: One Is Alive (3:15)
23.Two Ways Out (3:12)
24.Hey Little Angel (4:48)