一个平静的早上,无数道强光划过世界各大城市的天际,美国太空总署(NASA)初时以为是彗星碎片划过大气层,随即惊觉这些碎片竟然像会蠕动,碎片坠落大海,随即变身武器袭击世界各地沿岸城市!海军陆战队中士Michael Nantz奉命率领小队在洛杉矶某区营救被困市民,谁知现场只余一片颓垣败瓦,尸横遍野;几经辛苦找到被困市民,却受到来历不明的敌人疯狂袭击,军方总部更传来惊人消息:“全球有二十个大城市已遭毁灭,洛杉矶将是人类的最后一道防线!”面对外星异形突袭侵略,海军陆战队将如何突围反击挽救人类?!

01. Battle Los Angeles Hymn
02. Battle Los Angeles Main Titles
03. Arrival
04. Marines Don’t Quit
05. Command and Control Center
06. Elegy
07. Redemption
08. For Home, Country, and Family
09. War Hymn
10. Evac
11. To Hell and Back
12. Mobilized
13. The Freeway
14. The Drone
15. Casualty of War
16. Rebalance
17. Regret
18. Shelf Life
19. The World Is at War
20. Abandoning Los Angeles
21. Battle Los Angeles
22. We Are Still Here

