BBC最新自然类纪录片巨作,由冰冻星球(Frozen Planet)团队打造,历时3年,踏遍30多个国家,拍摄素材。本系列的视角主要放在捕食者和猎物间的关系、捕食者的策略等,摄制组拍摄到了很多令人窒息的罕见镜头,比如,虎鲸联合攻击体型庞大的座头鲸,可以吐出25米长的蛛丝的达尔文树皮蛛等…
著名的David Attenborough爵士将为本系列做解说,奥斯卡最佳原创配乐得主Steven Price负责本片的配乐


Disc 1:
01. A Game of Strategy (3:17)
02. Power vs Teamwork (8:21)
03. The Cut Line Inconvenience (4:25)
04. Fueled Up and Headed South (3:11)
05. The Hungry Crocodile (5:45)
06. Looking On at What Might Have Been (3:23)
07. In the Grip of the Seasons (2:53)
08. Melt Waters (3:23)
09. All at Sea (3:50)
10. Wolves and Hares (3:58)
11. Miniature Gliders (5:09)
12. Big Game on the Tundra (5:04)
13. At First It’s a Game (2:13)
14. A Sparrowhawk’s Tale (3:56)
15. Buzzing Jays (2:04)
16. Chimps vs Monkeys (3:39)
17. The Army Ants (7:09)
Disc 2:
01. The Blue Whale (5:12)
02. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (5:19)
03. Spinner Dolphin Superpod (1:31)
04. The Deep (3:59)
05. The Bait Ball (5:11)
06. Nowehere to Hide (1:07)
07. The Honey Badger (2:53)
08. Building a Fortress (4:53)
09. Lions and Buffalo (6:04)
10. Red Hot Ants (6:38)
11. Etosha Lions (6:11)
12. Race Against Time (1:20)
13. No Ordinary Octopus (3:42)
14. Living on a Calorific Knife Edge (3:12)
15. Sea Lions and Killer Whales (6:11)
16. Wolves and Bears (5:08)
17. Hunting Humpbacks (4:47)
18. The Lions Theme (4:41)

