这是一部实验影片,配乐家 John Williams 凭借本片获得 1982 年奥斯卡最佳原著音乐提名。
原声为 2001 年重新修复音质并加长发行的限量版唱片。很难听出这是 John Williams 的配乐作品,交响乐中融合了大量的电子合成元素,应该算是 John Williams 海量的配乐作品中风格最独特的音乐之一。
1. Main Title (3:10)
2. Beautiful, Isn’t It (4:25)
3. Thunderstorm (0:39)
4. Seeing the Rainbow (1:09)
5. Projected Trip (1:43)
6. Sneaking Out (0:35)
7. Val’s First Drive (2:43)
8. Crimebuster (3:25)
9. Phil is Born (1:50)
10. In the Woods (2:00)
11. Come Phil! (0:52)
12. It’s a Camel (2:27)
13. The Love Scene (2:04)
14. Crimebuster Follows (2:24)
15. Crimebuster Breaks Up Party (1:05)
16. Domestic Spat (1:38)
17. The Junkyard (1:57)
18. Raccoon Chasing (0:41)
19. Crimebuster’s Shadow (0:34)
20. To the Factory (1:49)
21. Val and Phil (4:22)
22. Catskill Rests (1:04)
23. Going to Sleep (3:30)
24. Domestic Bliss (1:18)
25. Crimebuster Always Gets his Man (1:56)
26. End Credits (4:12)