Warhammer: Vermintide《战锤:末世鼠疫》系列,由瑞典游戏开发商 Fatshark 开发,目前有两代作品。Fatshark 前两天刚被腾讯爸爸收购了36%股份。
两部作品的OST都是丹麦知名作曲家 Jesper Kyd,他还参与了“杀手”系列、“刺客信条”系列等游戏的配乐。
这两部 OST 原声整体配乐风格接近:氛围昏暗、神秘,节奏激烈、火爆、扭曲,金属感十分强劲,敲击的元素非常多。
我查了半天,找到一个说法:“The album will contain 36 tracks including the core game’s soundtrack, new music from the DLC, as well as some instrumental songs heard in the Red Moon Inn from the game.”(来源:https://www.gamereactor.eu/news/590343 ),大意是 36 首的版本里包含了本体、DLC的原声,以及游戏里的 Red Moon 音乐(Red Moon的音乐在歌曲名上都标注了)。
不过,仔细对比了两个版本,发现2016版里有5首歌没有被2017版收录,分别是:Track 4: Wizards Tower \ Track 8: Skaven Underground \Track14: Headstones & Plague Brew \ Track16: Sneaking In City Streets \ Track18: Magnus Tower Reached 。我找了好几天没找到2016版的下载,好在这几首可以在油管上找到。
英文名:Warhammer: The End Times – Vermintide(Original Game Soundtrack)
中文名:战锤:末世鼠疫 原声
作曲家:Jesper Kyd
格式:FLAC 分轨(16 Bit / 44.1 kHz)
英文名:Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (Original Game Soundtrack)
中文名:战锤:末世鼠疫 2 原声
作曲家:Jesper Kyd
格式:FLAC 分轨(24 Bit / 48 kHz)
顺便贴一下 1代OST两个版本的曲目详情
2. SkavenCamp Located
3. TheSkaven Come Out To Play
4. Wizards Tower
5. TheHorde
6. RedMoon Dread
7. ToThe Forest
8. Skaven Underground
9. RatOgre
10. StormVermin
11. VermintideTheme Reprise 2
12. Skavenon the Move
13. Realmof the Skaven
14. Headstones & Plague Brew
15. RedMoon Elegy
16. Sneaking In City Streets
17. VermintideEnd Boss
18. Magnus Tower Reached
19. SneakingAround the Skaven
20. Glimmerof Hope
21. TheCourtyard
22. Tunnels& Dynamite
23. TheHorde 2
24. ImmediateLoss
25. VermintideEnd Times
2017版 – 36首
1. VermintideEnd Times
2. SkavenCamp Located
3. TheSkaven Come Out To Play
4. RedMoon – Elegy
5. Wizard’sTower
6. RatOgre 0:59
7. RedMoon – Dread
8. Tothe Forest
9. Stormvermin
10. VermintideTheme Reprise 2
11. SkavenOn the Move
12. Realmof the Skaven
13. TheHorde
14. RedMoon – The Dancing Donkey
15. SneakingAround the Skaven
16. VermintideEnd Boss
17. RedMoon – Goliard
18. Glimmerof Hope
19. TheCourtyard
20. TheRed Moon Inn
21. Tunnels& Dynamite
22. TheHorde 2
23. ImmediateLoss
24. RedMoon – Elegy 2
25. VermintideTheme
26. Fortressof Karak Azgaraz
27. CastleDrachenfels
28. DrachenfelsBallroom
29. Invasionof Karak Azgaraz
30. Dungeonsof Drachenfels
31. Mountainsof Karak Azgaraz
32. Highlands
33. Breakdown
34. SnowyMountains
35. TheHorde Gathers
36. RedMoon – Saracena