Oehms ClassicsOC 627
Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid
Classical – Instrumental
Matthias Weckmann: Praeambulum in d; Fuga ex D. in d; Ach wir armen Sünder; Toccata in C; Canzone in C & d; Es ist das Heyl uns kommen her; Lucidor ein hütt der schaf; Gelobet seystu Jesu Christ; Fantasia ex D. in d
Joseph Kelemen (organ)
Matthias Weckmann, born in 1616 in Thuringia, was trained in Dresden and Hamburg. After several years at the Dresden court, Weckmann was appointed organist at St. Jacobi in Hamburg in 1655, where he lived and worked until his death in 1674.
The instrument Weckmann played at St. Jacobi was one that today holds an honorary place among historic organs. The famous Arp Schnitger organ (the first four-manual instrument of its time) is the organ with the most well-preserved organ pipes from before 1700. It was restored between 1989 and 1993.
This CD continues Joseph Kelemen’s highly praised series of Southern German and Northern German Organ Masters.