I’d be hard-pressed to say which one of the nine initial _ORCHESTRAL_ MLP SA-CD releases is the absolute best sounding, but the Suppé Overtures would be one of my three top candidates. There’s an openness and spatiality to it that verges on the astonishing, and a you-are-there sense to the textures and transparency that defies description. Of course, the same can be said of the other two of these top three — the Rimsky-Korsakov and the Chabrier — all of which, it seems to me, are must-haves for the audiophile who is also a dedicated classical music enthusiast.
These overtures are light-hearted fun, all in all, and just the thing for those casual moments. Highly recommended.
1. Overture
2. Overture
3. Overture
4. Overture
5. Overture
6. Overture
7. Overture
8. Overture
9. Masaniello Overture