I had been hoping for Alpine Symphony to be rereleased in multichannel with Herbert Von Karajan conducting, but when I came across this Thielemann interpretation I decided to give it a chance. I think this is one of the most extraordinary recordings to ever grace my ears and my sound system. While the Karajan version may indeed be the benchmark for the “Alpine”, Thielemann certainly has nothing to apologize for in his reading. Sonics are incredible, and the surround is very natural, not “forced” as in some recordings. The “Alpine Symphony” is supposed take one on a musical climb the Alps. With its beautiful orchestrations and its effects one feels as if they are in the middle of the Alps, with all the intricacies of sound one would expect in the midst of them. Every one who has heard this has added it to their “must have” list. Even friends who don’t particularly enjoy classical music. Absolutely no disappointments here!
1. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Night
2. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Sunrise
3. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): The ascent
4. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Entering the forest – Wande
5. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): At the waterfall – Appariti
6. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): In the flowery meadows
7. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): On the mountain pasture
8. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Through thickets and underg
9. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): On the glacier
10. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Dangerous moments
11. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): On the summit
12. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Vision
13. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Rising mists – The sun grad
14. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Thunderstorm, descent
15. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Sunset
16. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Ending
17. Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) for orchestra, Op. 64 (TrV 233): Night
18. Der Rosenkavalier, suite from the opera for orchestra, o.Op. 145 (TrV 227d, AV 145): Con moto agitat
19. Der Rosenkavalier, suite from the opera for orchestra, o.Op. 145 (TrV 227d, AV 145): Allegro molto
20. Der Rosenkavalier, suite from the opera for orchestra, o.Op. 145 (TrV 227d, AV 145): Tempo di Valse,
21. Der Rosenkavalier, suite from the opera for orchestra, o.Op. 145 (TrV 227d, AV 145): Moderato molto
22. Der Rosenkavalier, suite from the opera for orchestra, o.Op. 145 (TrV 227d, AV 145): Schneller Walze
