Great recording, among my faves for Sequentia (with Aquitania and Shining Light), and among my all-time faves of all my collection.
Just a note, however, that the booklet is too big for the case. I bought two copies and both flung open, spilling the disc out, easier that “ought”. The first disc scratched on the pavement. The second landed safely, fortunately. I’ve removed the disc and material from the SACD case and put it into a standard CD case (a little wrinkled, a little gap, not so bad). It seems to stay more snugly in place.
Again, one of my favorite discs, and likely to stay in that category for a long time.
1. Felix Qui Potuit Boni
2. Caute Cane, Cantor Care
3. Magnus Cesar Otto
4. Rota Modos Arte
5. David Regis Inclita Proles
6. Cigni
7. Foebius Abierat
8. Clangam Filii
9. Phebi Claro
10. Aurea Personet Lyra
11. Iam, Dulcis Amica, Venito
12. Advertite, Omnes Populi
13. O Admirabile Veneris Idolum
14. Puella Turbata
15. Veni, Dilectissime
16. Suavissima Nunna
