表演者: Hesperion XXI / La Capella Reial de Catalunya / Jordi Savall / Montserrat Figueras
Disc: 1
1. Introduction: Pierre Hamon (double flute),Pedro Estavan (percussion)
2. Invocation: Chorus: “Tethysque novos detegat orbes ” (music- Binchois)
3. Evocation 1 Medea: “Nunc iam cessit pontus et omnes patitur leges”
4. Invocation: Chorus: “Tethysque novos detegat orbes”
5. Evocation 2: Medea: “Terminus omnis motus et urbes”
6. Invocation: Chorus: “Tethysque novos detegat orbes”
7. Evocation 3: Medea: Venient annis saecula seris
8. Reading: “Venient annis saecuala seris”
9. Invocation: Chorus: “Tethysque novos detegat orbes”
10. Reading: “Vendran los tardos anos del mundo . . . ”
11. Music: Hymn Sufi (instrumental improvisation) (Santur &Percussion)
12. Reading: “Description of the beautiful sights of Granada” – Ibn
13. Music: Mowachah Billadi askara min aadbi Llama (Al-Andalus)
14. Ancient Romance: El Moro de Antequera (Sephardic song)
15. Reading: “Having reached Antquera” Chronicle of Kings of Castille, Ch.
16. Music: Zappay (instrumental) CMM 20
17. Music: Colinetto (instrumental) CMM 22Reading: “Here I shall relate the
18. Villota: Dindirindin – Anonymous CMM 127
19. Reading: “Seeing as how his forefathers were of the royal blood of
20. Strambotto: O tempo bono – Anonymous CMM 132
21. Music: voca la galiera (instrumental) Anonymous CMM 18 Reading: ” A
22. Basse Dance: Mappa mundi(Kyrie of the Mass) – Johannes Cornago
23. Music: Chiave, chiave (instrumental)- Anonymous CMM 131 Reading:
24. Ancient song (s. XI) Reading: “Finding himself near Lisbon…”
25. Villancico: Meis olhos van por lo mare- Anonymous CMP 453
26. Reading: “Finally, having recourse to the Spanish expression…”
27. Frottola: In te Domine speravi- Josquin des Pres CMP 84
28. Improvisation Arabo-Andalusain Song (santur & flute)
29. Reading: Arabic text by Ibn Zamrak
30. Kharcha: Ya am laja halki (Andalusia, 13th century)
31. Music: La Spagna (instrumental)
32. Reading: Concerning the Treaty of the Alhambra and the surrender of
33. Romance: Qu’es de ti desconsolado – Juan del Enzina CMP
Disc: 2
1. Music: las Estrellas de los cielos (Sefardic anonymous)
2. Hymn: Patres nostri peccaverunt- Johannes Cornago
3. Reading: Edict of the Expulsion of the Jews, Joan Coloma (Secretary to
4. Reading: “Within a few months…” Andres Bernaldez, confessor to Queen
5. Hebrew Lament: Ma aidej Ma adamelaj – Anonymous
6. Music: Improvisation on a Fantasia de Lluis del Mila (Viheula)
7. Music: Voca la galiera(instrumental)- Anonymous CMM 18
8. Reading: “He sailed to the west-south-west.” Christopher Columbus.
9. Music: Lament instrumental (improvisation)
10. Reading: “The King and Queen, seeing from the many signs given by the
11. Music: Nuba Hiyay Msmarqi. Mizan Bsit. Ya muslimin qalbi –
12. & 16. Reading: Nauhatl poem on the fleeting nature of all things
13. Music:Homagio Kogui (Quena and Amerindian drums)
14. Music: Departez vous (instrumental)- Guillaume Dufay
15. Reading: On the treatment of the native Indians, Friar Bartolome de las
16. Villancico: Todos los bienes del mundo- Juan del Enzina CMP 61
17. Music: Fortuna desperata – Heinrich Isaac
18. Reading: “In May, 1505…”
19. Music: “Miserere nostri/Vexilla Regis CMM 106
20. Music: Fantasia I – Llus del Mila
21. Reading: “I am not the first Admiral in my family…”
22. Processional Hymn: Hanacpachap cussicuinin (Quechua)- Juan Perez