Genre: Classical
Year of release of the disk: 2006
Disk manufacturer: EU – OEHMS – OC612
Audio Codec: DST 2.0, 5.1
Piper type: image (ISO)
Bitrate audioо: 2,8224 MHz
Duration: 63:58
On this recording, Hansjrg Albrecht, conductor, organist and cembalist, artistic director of the Munich Bach Choir since September 2005, presents his elaborate arrangements for two organs (St. Nikolai in Kiel), in connection with a skilful multi-channel recording concept. The result is a real CD hit for Wagner fans, and a challenge for your stereo or surround.
1. Rheingold – Vorspiel – 4:31
2. Walhallaszene – 13:49
3. Walküre – Walkürenritt – 6:06
4. Siegfried – Waldweben – 12:32
5. Gtterdmmerung – Trauermarsch – 7:09
6. Brünnhildes Abschied – 19:50