Balalaika(巴拉莱卡)和 Domra(多姆拉)是俄罗斯最主要的两种民间传统乐器,巴拉莱卡也叫「三角琴」,由大至小共有六种,声音短促活泼。多姆拉琴是一种三或四弦拨絃乐器,外型类似曼陀林琴。演奏时通常由多姆拉琴弹奏主旋律,巴拉莱卡弹奏低音和絃。「俄罗斯三角琴」是 Mercury Living Presence 系列中最知名的录音作品,长年高掛 TAS 榜单上,一直是发烧友必备的唱片之一。
「冷战」期间,美苏关係紧张,Mercury 的制作人柯查特(Wilma Cozart)率领当时世界最顶尖的录音团队,将所有设备运送到苏联录音,可说是一项惊人的创举。由於担心技术方面的问题,原本要求苏联方面只提供二十人左右的乐团,但是录音当天,欧希波夫俄罗斯国家民俗乐团八十多人全员到齐,成就这一场高水準的演出与录音。录音大师怀因(C. R. Fine)与艾伯欒兹(R. Eberenz)在莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐院波秀厅以三支 Telefunken 201 麦克风录制於三轨 35 釐米磁带,由三轨母带混入立体声唱片的工作则由柯查特亲自操刀。其中从民歌到舞曲,通俗音乐到古典音乐,包罗万象,巴拉莱卡琴和多姆拉琴的质感绝佳,各种乐器质感更是真实无比,音场辽阔,堂韵丰富,动态无与伦比,堪称 Living Presence 系列中的最佳代表作!
I was lucky enough to find an original LP of this famous Mercury in decent shape years ago, and the sound was very good indeed. The CD from the 1990’s was a delight, as is this SACD.
The sound is classic Mercury three-channel. The sense of the instruments being there in the hall before you is very striking. There is also a very distinct sense of hall depth, with instruments clearly at different distances. The whole stereo image is quite convincing and a little disconcerting with one’s eyes closed.
Tape hiss is very low in level, as it should be given the very wide tracks on 35 millimeter mag film, the original recording medium. One comment I want to make is that the Mercury 35 mm transfers have a distinctive sound that is different from their half-inch three-tracks: more clinical, less warm. All details are thrown into sharp relief. Given the tendency for Mercurys to already be rather up-front this may not always sound pleasant to all ears. 35 mm recorders use a different record/playback EQ than tape; I suspect that this is most of the difference.
The music is quite fun but probably best taken in small doses, say as an intro or “overture” to an evening’s listening. Great stuff.
1. Fantasy On Two Folk Songs
2. At Sunrise
3. The Linden Tree
4. Kamarinskaya
5. Fantasy On Volga Melodies
6. In The Moonlight
7. Midnight In Moscow
8. Under The Apple Tree
9. Dance Of The Comedians
10. The Living Room
11. Evening Bells
12. My Dear Old Friend, Please Visit Me
13. Waltz Of The Faun
14. Flight Of The Bumble-Bee