Ars ProduktionARS 38 109
Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid
Classical – Instrumental
Bach: Introduction & Fugue from Cantata “Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis” (trans. Liszt), Chorale “Wir setzen uns mit Trnen nieder” from St Marc Passion BWV 244 (trans. Robert Schaab), Concerto in D minor BWV 596 after Antonio Vivaldi (trans. Bach), Symphoniae pastorale from Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 (trans. Karg-Elert), Miserere mei from Bach’s Memento (trans. Widor), Prelude & Fugue in B flat minor BWV 867 from The Well-Tempered Clavier I (trans. Reger), Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme BWV 645 (trans. Bach), Sinfonia from Cantata “Wir danken dir, Gott” BWV 29 (trans. Dupré), Trio Sonata in C major after BWV 1031 (trans. Schmeding), Chaconne in D minor from Partita II BWV 1004 (trans. Arno Landmann)
Martin Schmeding (organ)
Amazon review by Dennis E. Ferrara:
Martin Schmeding is 1 of today’s finest German concert organists before the public. As an exclusive recording artist for the ARS label, he is recording a series of complete organ compositions of select composers as well as a series of organ transcriptions (MWC says about a dozen) as is found on this recent recital. Bach, Handel and other baroque composers transcribed for the organ. As the old adage states, “Variety is the spice in life,” and this recital certainly has variety.
The performances are extremely stylish with a total understanding of performance practices. The instrument utilized here is an excellent 3-53 Stumm/Goll Organ located in the Stadtkirche/Durlach. This concert organist understands the art of the musical phrase as well as colourful registrations. Throughout this recital, one finds unique repertoire which should be played more often; however, it is rarely done.
Excellent program notes are in German & English with the complete specification of the instrument utilized in this recital. Highly recommended.
Franz Liszt – (1811-1886) – Final Chorus/Introduction & Fugue from Cantata ‘Ich hatte viel Bekummernis,’ BWV21;
Robert Schaab – (1817-1887) – Final chorus “Wir setzen uns mer Franem nieder” from St. Matthew Passion, BWV244;
J. S. Bach – (1685-1750) – Concerto in D minor, BWV596, from Vivaldi – i. Grave; ii. Fuga; iii. Largo e spiccato; iv. Allegro;
Sigfrid Karg-Elert – (1877-1933) – Sinfonia from ‘The Christmas Oratorio’;
Charles-Marie Widor – (1844-1937) – Bach’s Memento; Misere mei paraphrase on the Prelude in D minor from Well-Tempered Clavier, Bk 1;
Max Reger – (1873-1916) – Prelude & Fugue in B minor, BWV867 form Well-Tempered Clavier, Bk One; J. S. Bach – ‘Wachet auf from Schubler Chorales form Cantata, BWV140;
Marcel Dupre – (1886-1971) – Sinfonia form Cantata ‘War danken, BWV29;
Martin Schmeding – (b. 1975) – Trio sonata in C major, BWV1031 – i. Allegro moderato; ii. Siciliano; iii. Allegro;
Arno Landmann – (1887-1966) – Chaconne form Partita II, BWV1004.