出生於加拿大,使用1779年制的「莎拉布」瓜奈里名琴,堪称现代最性感的女小提琴手菈菈圣蔷,曾於主流厂牌新力旗下发表过一张专辑,随后便以自己的宠物蜥为名建立起个人唱片品牌Ancalagon。此回挑战古典乐小提琴家的标準曲韦瓦第:「四季」,同时颇具巧思的加入探戈之父皮耶佐拉:「布宜诺思艾利斯的四季」,合奏出绝美的八季景色。并请来曾与洁西诺曼、阿劳、赛门拉图、马利纳等多位古典乐大师合作过的Martha de Francisco担任专辑制作人。专辑中菈菈圣蔷简洁却眩目神迷的运弓技法搭配起SACD 5声道的发烧级录音规格,就连权威音乐网站AMG在整张专辑的表现与声音水準上也只能臣服送出4星半超高评价,而知名发烧音乐网站Audiophile Audition与American record Guide等专业音乐传媒都给予极高正面评价。
by James Leonard
Joining together Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Piazzolla’s The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires on a single disc was an excellent idea. Providing the musicians with lush sound and beautiful productions values was likewise an excellent idea. Unfortunately, the actual performances are less than excellent. Indeed, they might be most positively characterized as superficial and mediocre. Lara St. John, the charismatic Canadian violinist, has the technique to play Vivaldi’s four violin concertos — not much of an achievement since these are not particularly challenging works — but despite her hyper-expressive phrasing, St. John’s interpretations are nothing special. Her “Spring” is more dutiful than joyful, her “Summer” more soporific than sultry, her “Autumn” tart more than sweet, and her
“Winter” chilly to the point of coldness. Worse yet, St. John does not quite have the technique to play Piazzolla’s much more demanding music, and her accounts are scrappy and sloppy. What’s more, she seems to have less feel for Piazzolla than for Vivaldi, and her interpretations lack understanding of the Argentine composer’s feel for rhythm or melody. Accompanied with much spirit but less polish by the Youth Orchestra of Venezuela under the direction of Eduardo Marturet, St. John’s performances here will mostly likely be of interest only to her fans.
演出者: Lara St. John
乐团: The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela
作曲家: Vivaldi & Piazzolla
指挥家: Eduardo Marturet
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741)
The Four Seasons
Concerto No. 1 in E major, RV 269 “Spring”.
[1] Allegro
[2] Largo
[3] Allegro
Concerto No. 2 in G minor, RV 315 “Summer”
[4] Allegro non molto – Allegro
[5] Adagio – Presto
[6] Presto
Concerto No. 3 in F major, RV 293 “Autumn”
[7] Allegro – Allegro Assai
[8] Adagio molto
[9] Allegro
Concerto No. 4 in F minor, RV 297 “Winter”
[10] Allegro non molto
[11] Largo
[12] Allegro – Lento – Allegro
Astor Piazzolla: The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires
[13] Otoo Porteo ‘Autumn’
[14] Invierno Porteo ‘Winter’
[15] Primavera Portea ‘Spring’
[16] Verano Porteo ‘Summer’