Genre: Classical
Year of material recording: 2005
Year of release of the disk: 2008
Disk manufacturer: EU – Brilliant Classics – 92769
Audio Codec: DST 2.0, 5.0
Piper type: image (ISO)
Bitrate audioо: 2,8224 MHz
Duration: 51:20 + 65:09
The most important version of this organ masterpiece never heard. Messori plays organ perfeclty, in a singing way (I suppose typical of his Italian background) with a baroque middle German sense of the organ stop combinations on 3 instruments of Bach’s time (one examined by Bach himself).
Cantabile style, magnificent use of “rubato”, profound mystical interpretation and full of every “affects”, strongness, sweetnes, violence, inspiration. The sound is beautifull, very very detailed and deep, also the surrounding is excellent!
I have seen the Diapason has given to these recordings the “5 de Diapason”. I even would say that it was worth of Diapason d’Or!
Disc 1
1. Praeludium pro Organo pleno BWV552
2. Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit (Canto fermo in soprano a 2 clav. et ped.) BWV669
3. Christe, Aller Welt Trost (Canto fermo in tenore a 2 clav. et pedal) BWV670
4. Kyrie Gott heiliger Geist ‘a 5 (Canto fermo in basso cum organo pleno) BWV671
5. Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit (Alio modo manualiter) BWV672
6. Christe, aller Welt Trost BWV673
7. Kyrie Gott heiliger Geist BWV674
8. Allein Gott in der Hoh sey Ehr ‘a 3 (Canto fermo in alto) BWV675
9. Allein Gott in der hoh sey Ehr (a 2 clav. et pedal) BWV676
10. Allein Gott in der hoh sey Ehr (Manualiter) BWV677
11. Diess sind die heilgen zehen Geboth (a 2 clav. et ped. Canto fermo in canone) BWV678
12. Fugetta super DiesB sind die heiligen zehen Geboth (Manualiter) BWV679
13. Wir glauben all an einen Gott (In Organo pleno con Pedale) BWV680
Disc 2
1. Fugetta super Wir glauben all an einen Gott (Manualit.) BWV681
2. Vater unser im Hommelreich (‘a clav. et pedal ‘e canto fermo in canone) BWV682
3. Vater unser im Hommelreich (Alio molo manualiter) BWV683
4. Christ unser Herr zum Iordan [i.e. Jordan] kam (a2 clav ‘e canto fermo in pedal) BWV684
5. Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Alio molo manualiter) BWV685
6. Aus tieffer Noth [i.e. not] schrey ich zu dir (a 6 in organo pleno con pedale doppio) BWV686
7. Aus tieffer Noth [i.e. not] schrey ich zu dir (a 4 alio modo manualiter) BWV687
8. Iesus Christus unser Heyland, der von uns den zorn Gottes wand BWV688
9. Fuga super Iesus [i.e. Jesus] Christus unser heyland [i.e. heiland] (a 4 manuliter) BWV689
10. Duetto I BWV802
11. Duetto II BWV803
12. Duetto III BWV804
