“—And now for something completely different…”. Savall et companie always surprise, but with excellence, and now on SACD.
Each instrument speaks with the unique voice of a unique individual, rich in detail. The oud, rebab, lire and vièle are exquisite – but it is the odd percussion instrument which sends chills down this audioholic’s spine. The ensemble’s sound wraps around 180° and extends well back into my living-room: this is the “deepest” sound-stage I have heard. I prefer to reserve star for the extraordinary, but this is it, so five stars.
These are ‘world class’ musicians. Where would one find the equal or better of Driss el Maloumi, Yair Dalal and the others If they existed, Savall would have brought them here to this recording. In honesty, I must give them the full 5 stars.
When John Cleese says “and now for something completely different”, what follows isn’t really different. The music on this disc isn’t really exotic; it is distant from us in time but it lies at the roots of the western music which follows. One can trace the course of those roots over 600 years by playing “Danza de la espadas” (14th C.), followed by the The Pogues’ “If I should fall from grace with God” (20th C.): same tune, same tempo and almost the same key.
I say ‘almost’ because this music predates our key system. I did a bit of google research and learned a thing or two: Several of the titles here mention ‘makam’ (maqam, magam), a modal melody akin to hindu ‘raga’ — or schnbergian tone-row! Likewise ‘usul’ which is a combination of rhythm and time-signature, akin to hindu ‘tala’. With these tools in hand, Cantemir’s “Makam Rast üsul Düyek” translates roughly as “Modal Melody on G in 4/4 time”.
I mention Dimitrie Cantemir because his story breathes some life into the abstractions above. Dimitrie had the good fortune to be born a prince in Romania; the bad news was that he was sent as a hostage to the Ottomans, to guarantee the loyalty of his father the king. The good news was that he was educated well there and that he developed a remarkable talent for music. He was so good that some tunes heard today in the suks of Turkey are ascribed to ‘Kantemiroglu’. And in the west where we have musak in our markets, academics are thankful to Cantemir for a manuscript containing 365 musical works (four of them on this disc), annotated in a system of his own invention.
One final detail: this disc is FUN!
1. Makam Rast “Murass’a” usul Düyek Turquie, mss. de Kantemiroglu
2. Ductia Alfonso X el Sabio (Cantigas 248-353)
3. A la una yo nací Sefarad / Sarajevo
4. Alba Castelló de la Plana (Espagne)
5. Danse de l’ame Maroc / Driss El Maloumi
6. Istampitta: La Manfredina Italia: trecento mss.
7. Lali Djan Afghanistan (Perse)
8. Istampitta: In Pro Italia: trecento mss.
9. Danza del viento Sefarad / Bereber (Algérie)
10. Istampitta: Saltarello I Italia: trecento mss.
11. Chahamezrab Perse / Dimitris Psonis
12. Danza de las espadas Galicia (Espagne), s. XIII
13. Makam Nikriz üsul Berevsan Turquie, mss. de Kantemiroglu
14. Istampitta: Saltarello II Italia: trecento mss.
15. Ya Nabat Elrichan – Magam Lami Judeo-Iraquienne / Yair Dalal
16. Rotundellus (Cantiga 105) Alfonso X el Sabio
17. Makam Rast Sema’i Turquie, mss. de Kantemiroglu
18. Istampitta: Lamento di Tristano Italia: trecento mss.
19. Mola Mamad Djann Afghanistan (Perse)
20. Saltarello (Cantigas 77-119) Alfonso X el Sabio
21. Makam ‘Uzl Sakil “Turna” Turquie, mss. de Kantemiroglu